February 22, 2024
2023 Year in Review
It is an honor to serve my neighbors in Ward 3, and as I look back on my first year in office, I am proud of the work my team and I have accomplished. In 2023, my office:
- Helped nearly 1,300 residents with constituent services
- Attended an average of three community safety walks per month
- Held six Workdays in the Ward, where residents can visit with me, my team, and city agencies as we set up office at a neighborhood business for the day
- Attended more than 60 ANC meetings
- Introduced key legislation:
- Universal Out-of-School Time: to expand out-of-school time programs, such as after-school and summer programming, to universal access by 2035 for every student in a DC Public or Public Charter School. Out-of-school time programming improves academic performance and economic mobility. It is the most effective strategy for reducing juvenile crime, according to 69% of police chiefs surveyed nationally.
- Addressing Legacies of Housing Segregation: to void exclusive pre-1938 covenants that prohibit multi-family housing on lots originally subdivided by the Chevy Chase Land Company if multi-family housing could otherwise be built on those lots under modern planning and zoning laws. I also introduced a broader companion bill to similarly void exclusive covenants in the Rock Creek West planning area.
- Rent Stabilization Protection: to ensure the housing voucher program can thrive without jeopardizing existing rent stabilization policies.
- Friendship Heights BID: to create DC’s 12th Business Improvement District, a step in ensuring sustainable funding for the first-of-its-kind, cross-jurisdictional organization to support the economic revitalization of Friendship Heights
- Co-introduced more than 150 bills, including legislation related to improving public safety, roadway safety, economic opportunity, and education.
This year is underway with more important work at hand. I thank my team for their commitment to serve, and I thank you all for the privilege I have to work every day to better our communities.
Matt Frumin
Ward 3 DC Councilmember