Invest In Safer Streets and Accessible Transit

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Councilmember Frumin sent a letter to Mayor Bowser requesting that she promptly complete and release the revised design plans for implementation of the Connecticut Avenue Multimodal Safety Improvement Project, which were targeted for release earlier this year.


Councilmember Frumin responded to DDOT NOI#23-170-TOA concluding that while the proposal pursues a worthy goal of improving parking management in Cleveland Park, in my view, implementation of the proposal as drafted will not harmonize parking management with the needs of the nearby small businesses.


Councilmember Frumin sent a letter containing his recommendations regarding WMATA’s Better Bus Visionary Network plan on behalf of Ward 3 residents. After synthesizing more than 250 comments from constituents and resolutions from each Ward 3 ANC, he compiled seven recommendations to enable reliable, frequent, well-connected Metrobus service for all of Ward 3.


Councilmember Frumin called on WMATA to extend its public and stakeholder engagement period by one month and provide more channels for providing feedback to ensure all residents, including those with limited technological abilities or internet access, can be heard.


Councilmember Matt Frumin announced his budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2024, which he transmitted in a letter to Mayor Muriel Bowser. The ambitious priorities seek to realize a “Ward 3 for All” by expanding opportunity and growing inclusive neighborhoods.


Councilmember Frumin requested that DDOT Director Everett Lott implement immediately traffic calming measures on Connecticut Avenue NW, including the removal of all rush-hour parking restrictions.

To make the District’s transportation systems safer and more accessible, we must:

  • eradicate traffic violence with commonsense traffic calming and targeted automated traffic enforcement,
  • implement safe routes to school for every student,
  • prioritize reliable, convenient public transit options, especially in current transit deserts in far Northwest DC and Wards 5, 7, and 8,
  • incentivize sustainable non-motor alternatives to driving like e-bicycles, and
  • use connected multimodal transportation networks to revitalize commercial corridors in Ward 3 and downtown and facilitate economic growth.
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