Share your Budget Priorities with Councilmember Frumin

As Councilmember Frumin prepares for the budget season, he is seeking feedback from residents about their funding priorities for the FY 24 budget.

Team Frumin will continue listening to residents about their concerns throughout January as we prepare funding recommendations that will create a more inclusive, welcoming Ward 3 for all.

Councilmember Frumin will collect feedback from neighbors in multiple ways. In addition to submitting the budget priority input form below, share your priorities at our budget priority listening session. Councilmember Frumin will host the listening session on Saturday, January 21 at 10 AM via Zoom. Register to attend the meeting here.

Register for Councilmember Frumin’s Budget Priority Listening Session.

We also welcome emails and letters from community/civic associations, Advisory Neighborhood Commissions, and other neighborhood groups with more detailed concerns and funding priorities. Please send your letters to Chief of Staff Leigh Catherine Miles ( by January 23, 2023. Please write “FY24 Budget Recommendation” in the subject of the email. If you prefer, you may share your budget priorities by phone by calling 202.724.8062.

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