
July 18, 2024
Recording of Event Panel: “Charting the Future of Friendship Heights”

On July 18, 2024, Councilmember Frumin spoke on a panel about economic resilience and innovation in Friendship Heights. You can listen to an audio recording of the panel here. The Councilmember's comments at the event mirror what he has said in every setting about Friendship Heights: There is tremendous opportunity to add housing, including affordable housing, and to become a vibrant commercial and community center, rich with public amenities. I believe this can be done in ways that are sensitive to nearby neighbors, and look forward to working with ANC 3E, community stakeholders, the Friendship Heights Alliance, and the city to achieve something special for the community in Friendship Heights. [audio m4a=""][/audio]

June 13, 2024
Ward 3 for All – FY25 Budget: Housing

Promote Affordable, Abundant Housing Options The District needs more affordable, accessible housing, and Ward 3 must be part of achieving our housing goals. The budget the Council received slashed funding for housing and homelessness prevention services and left thousands of families and children on the brink of losing their homes. Through the collective work of the Housing Committee and the Council as a whole, we made great strides in bridging the funding gap, but there is still much work to be done.

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