I join all residents of the District and my fellow Councilmembers in being deeply troubled by the charges against Ward 8 Councilmember Trayon White. We all deserve leadership we can trust. In the words of Chairman Mendelson, the arrest and serious charges are a “gut punch” to the District, particularly the residents of Ward 8. Due process is one of the great pillars of our judicial system, and the assumption of innocence until proven guilty is fundamental to our democracy. Councilmember White is entitled to defend himself, and we must allow the process to take its course. To serve as a member of the Council of the District of Columbia is a privilege, and the alleged misuse of public office undermines the public’s confidence in their government. I support Chairman Mendelson’s decision to remove Councilmember White from the Chairmanship of the Committee on Recreation, Libraries, and Youth Affairs while an Ad Hoc committee assesses the situation and makes recommendations on potential disciplinary actions. Matt Frumin Ward 3 Councilmember