
July 9, 2024
Ward 3 Better Bus Forum Recording

Click here to Watch the Ward 3 Better Bus Forum Zoom Recording on YouTube.

Click here to watch the full recording on YouTube.
June 13, 2024
Ward 3 for All – FY25 Budget: Streets & Transit

Invest in Safer Streets and Accessible Transit The District must do more to protect pedestrians, cyclists, and drivers. This includes ensuring safe routes to school for students, expanding multimodal transit options, and promoting sustainable alternatives to driving. In addition to making investments in street safety and roadway improvements, the FY25 budget increased funding for WMATA by $200 million to prevent our regional transit system from falling off a fiscal cliff. Access to reliable, frequent public transit is an economic, environmental, and equity issue, and I will continue to work toward long-term, sustainable funding for WMATA.

April 18, 2024
Statement on Proposed Changes to Connecticut Avenue Safety Plan

I share many residents’ disappointment with DDOT's decision to exclude bike lanes from the current proposed safety enhancements on Connecticut Avenue. Around a year ago it became clear Mayor Bowser had reservations about the inclusion of bike lanes in the plan. I have consistently advocated to the mayor and her team that including bike lanes was an important component of the safety plan and as part of the broader effort to promote multimodal transportation, including through two public letters (December 2023 and February 2024). The mayor now proposes to go a different way. The suggestion is that there will be yet-to-be-described safety improvements and exploration of where a north/south bike route in upper northwest should be located. There are more unanswered questions than answers in the administration’s current posture. The question now is what happens next. First, we need to fully understand what DDOT is proposing, including how it might promote safety and how it might not, as well as getting some sense of DDOT’s thoughts about possible north/south bike routes. Second, we need to…

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