Press Release

Councilmember Frumin Introduces The Rent Stabilization Protection Amendment Act Of 2023


Christian Damiana 202.258.9532 |

Councilmember Matt Frumin Introduces Bill to Protect Rent Stabilization, Address Chronic DCHA Landlord Overpayments

Frumin’s proposal ensures rent stabilization can co-exist with the housing voucher program and strengthens both affordable housing tools.

Washington, DC –– Councilmember Matt Frumin introduced the Rent Stabilization Protection Amendment Act of 2023.The bill ensures the voucher program can thrive without jeopardizing existing rent stabilization policies by ending the exemption of housing vouchers from rent stabilization laws. The legislation, crafted in consultation with the Office of the Tenant Advocate, preserves funds needed to supply more vouchers and house additional neighbors.

The DC Housing Authority often pays the maximum allowable rent instead of negotiating a reasonable fair market price, leading to fewer individuals served and a dangerous upward pressure on the housing market that inflates rents. These issues are further exacerbated in rent-stabilized buildings because voucher recipients currently cannot benefit from rent-stabilization policies. As a result, landlords can reap 50 percent more profits by renting to voucher recipients. To address these disparities, the bill levels the playing field for voucher recipients and private tenants.

“We cannot sacrifice one form of affordable housing in favor of another,” Frumin said “We can make the District more inclusive by protecting rent stabilization and guaranteeing that all forms of affordable housing, in every neighborhood, are accessible to voucher recipients.”

The Rent Stabilization Protection Amendment Act of 2023 is one critical step in addressing DCHA’s incessant payment of above-market rents and safeguarding rent stabilization policies from damaging landlord incentives. The legislation was introduced on March 20 along with Chairman Mendelson and Councilmembers Allen, Henderson, Parker, Nadeau, Bonds, Lewis George, and Pinto.


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