
January 23, 2024
Now Hiring: Legislative Director

Councilmember Matt Frumin seeks to hire a Legislative Director to provide legislative advice in support of the formulation and execution of the Councilmember’s overall legislative agenda. Responsibilities include reviewing and drafting legislation, tracking legislation and developments within assigned issue areas, and preparing for and staffing the Councilmember at public hearings and legislative meetings. Councilmember Frumin currently services on the committees on Executive Administration and Labor, Facilities and Family Services, Hospital and Health Equity, Housing, and Transportation and the Environment, as well as the Committee of the Whole. All staff engage with constituents and represent the office at meetings and events across the District. Duties & Responsibilities Serves as the resident legislative expert on the legislative history of programs, functions, and activities for a wide range of departments, agencies, offices in the District of Columbia government. Engages in policy research to inform the Councilmember’s legislative, oversight, and budget functions. Writes legislative text, amendments, and public hearing questions, opening statements, and presentation and discussion points for legislative and Committee meetings. Monitors legislation and issues pending in the…

January 8, 2024
Share Your Budget Priorities with Councilmember Frumin

Councilmember Matt Frumin is seeking feedback from residents as he prepares for the city's budget season. This opportunity for neighbors to share what matters most to them in the District can help shape the future of Ward 3. Residents are invited to register for the virtual listening session at 10 am on Saturday, Jan. 20, where you can speak directly with the councilmember. If you're unable to attend, you can email us your thoughts by January 20 at If you prefer, you can also call our office at 202-724-8062. Post-Event Update: Watch a video of the meeting      

November 30, 2023
CM Matt Frumin to host Workday in the Ward in Palisades on 12/3

On Sunday, December 3, from 8 am to 2 pm, Councilmember Matt Frumin will host a Workday in the Ward in Palisades at Black Coffee. At this Workday in the Ward, neighbors can chat with the Councilmember, share concerns with his constituent services team, gain insights into his legislative priorities, meet agency partners, and support a Palisades small business. Our team will be joined by representatives from the Metropolitan Police Department, including new MPD 2nd District Commander Savoy. We'll also be joined by the Office of the Attorney General, Department of Buildings, Department of Licensure and Consumer Protection, and the Mayor's Office of Community Relations and Services. Councilmember Frumin will also be present at points throughout the day. Don't miss this opportunity to connect with the Ward 3 community and access valuable information! Workday in the Ward December 3, 8 am to 2 pm Black Coffee, 4885 MacArthur Blvd 8 - 10 am: Coffee with the Councilmember 9 - 10 am: Office of the Attorney General 10 - 11 am: Metropolitan Police Department w/ 2nd District Commander Savoy 11 am - 12 pm: Department…

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