The DC Council, including Councilmember Frumin, unanimously signed a letter to Mayor Bowser urging her and her administration to reconsider the decision to disregard District law and deny District residents an increase to their SNAP benefits in 2024.
Councilmember Matt Frumin introduced the District of Columbia Nurse Licensure Compact Authorization Act of 2023, which would enter the District into the national Nurse Licensure Compact (NLC). The bill was co-introduced by Committee on Health Chair Christina Henderson, Committee on Hospital and Health Equity Chair Vince Gray, and Councilmembers Zachary Parker, Brooke Pinto, Robert White, Kenyan McDuffie.
This legislation would create the District’s twelfth Business Improvement District (BID) to support the revitalization of the Friendship Heights neighborhood in Northwest DC along the Maryland border. By establishing a Business Improvement District in Friendship Heights, the District can support the revitalization of the neighborhood and pursue expanded economic opportunity for businesses and residents along the corridor.
Councilmember Matt Frumin announced his budget priorities for Fiscal Year 2024, which he transmitted in a letter to Mayor Muriel Bowser. The ambitious priorities seek to realize a “Ward 3 for All” by expanding opportunity and growing inclusive neighborhoods.
Councilmember Frumin wrote to DMPED with suggestions for planning of the Chevy Chase Civic Site (“Civic Core”). He advocated for an inclusive community engagement process and a final proposal with a modern library and community center and housing, especially affordable housing.
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