Dear neighbors, It is a day to be proud to be a resident of the District of Columbia. Last weekend, the House circulated a draft Continuing Resolution (CR) that would have unnecessarily and irrationally called for $1.1 billion dollars in spending cuts over the next six months. Under the House rubric, the District would have had to furlough teachers, firefighters, police, sanitation workers among others all of which would have been paid for using local dollars that would have been parked because of the federal constraint. The District government and civic groups swung into action in an urgent effort to turn this around with the Mayor and Council working in close coordination, and hundreds, if not thousands, of residents also swinging into action to avert the possible trainwreck. Today, the House Continuing Resolution passed the Senate, but the Senate also passed a bill put forward by Senator Collins of Maine that will, if passed by the House, fix the issue relating to the District of Columbia budget. We are not out of the woods yet, we…
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